femble ist eine von Lina Graf und Daniel Steiner gegründete digitale Plattform, die ganzheitliche Behandlungsmöglichkeiten für Frauen mit oft tabuisierten, aber weit verbreiteten Problemen anbietet. Die App fungiert als persönlicher Gesundheitsberater, unterstützt durch künstliche Intelligenz.
Femble GmbH
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Seit 2019 setzt OceanSafe unter der Leitung von CEO Manuel Schweizer neue Massstäbe in der Textilindustrie. Das Unternehmen leistet Pionierarbeit mit biologisch abbaubaren Materialien für nachhaltige Produkte.
OceanSafe AG
Tripulse, unter der Leitung von Gründerin Franziska Mesche, revolutioniert Activewear durch die Verwendung zertifizierter Eukalyptusfasern für natürlichen Komfort, Frische und schadstofffreie Sportbekleidung. Tripulse wird in der EU nach ethischen Grundsätzen hergestellt und ist ein Pionier in Sachen umweltbewusster Mode, die den ökologischen Fussabdruck minimiert und gleichzeitig höchsten Komfort und Stil bietet.
Tripulse Fitness AB
ID Genève, 2020 von Nicolas Freudiger, Signal Dépery und Cédric Mühlhauser gegründet, revolutioniert die Uhrmacherei. Mit kompostierbaren Verpackungen, recycelbaren Uhren und nachhaltigen Materialien setzt die Marke neue Massstäbe.
ID Watch AG
Lablaco, gegründet von Eliana Kuo und Lor Albrighi, gestaltet eine vernetzte, kreislauforientierte Zukunft, fördert eine nachhaltige Kreislaufwirtschaft durch Technologie und Bildung und investiert strategisch in Mode, Kunst und Kultur, um eine nachhaltige globale Wirkung zu erzielen.
Lablaco Holding Pte Ltd
Die Mantel Eloxal AG in Wädenswil ist ein Pionier des Aluminim-Eloxal-Drucks in der dritten Generation. Unter der Leitung von Jon-Andri Mantel ist es der einzige Anbieter weltweit, der hochpräzisen Druck auf eloxiertem Aluminium mit innovativen und nachhaltigen Systemen für Beschilderung, Kunst und industrielle Kennzeichnung anbietet.
Mantel Eloxal AG
Yummy bringt die Kreislaufwirtschaft auf den Lebensmittelmarkt und fördert Vielfalt, Nachhaltigkeit und den Zugang zu gesunden Lebensmitteln durch lokale Zusammenarbeit und köstliche, nahrhafte Produkte.
Yummy OÜ
KTV Entertainment revolutioniert das Nachtleben in Zürich mit einer lebhaften Karaoke-Lounge und privaten Boxen. Erstklassiger Sound, eine riesige Songauswahl und exzellenter Service sorgen für unvergessliche Gruppenfeiern und spontanen Spass.
KTV Entertainment
FlexAgility transformiert juristische Dienstleistungen mit innovativen Ansätzen und nutzt fortschrittliche Technologien für Agilität, Effizienz und Einfachheit. Förderung des Wachstums durch nahtloses Management der rechtlichen Komplexität für moderne Unternehmen.
FlexAgility AG
1291 Productions GmbH ist die führende Stunt- und Special-Effects-Firma der Schweiz mit dem grössten Filmstudio des Landes. Unter der Leitung von Oliver Keller, der Erfahrungen aus Hollywood mitbringt, arbeiten die USA und Europa gemeinsam daran, die Zukunft des Films mit den neuesten Technologien zu gestalten.
1291 Productions GmbH
Company Name
Femble GmbH
Digital health platform that supports women with stigmatized health problems.
femble addresses the challenges in the field of women’s health by providing a comprehensive digital platform for stigmatized but widespread problems. The app functions as a personal health assistant that provides customized prescriptions, exercises and knowledge content. Founded by Lina Graf and Daniel Steiner, femble aims to create a supportive environment that prioritizes equality, mindfulness, diversity and transparency, and is committed to women’s wellbeing and hormonal health.
Company Name
Revolutionizing the textile industry through sustainable, circular material innovations.
Since 2019, OceanSafe has been setting new standards in the textile industry under the leadership of CEO Manuel Schweizer. With the aim of rapidly scaling up the circular economy, the company is developing innovative textile materials that replace conventional materials with biodegradable and recyclable alternatives. The “OceanSafe Certified” certification enables brands to develop sustainable products efficiently. Through a licensing model, OceanSafe shares its technologies along the entire value chain, from projects with B&B Italia and Stella McCartney to winning the Swiss Design Award for a Swiss Army T-shirt.
Company Name
Tripulse Fitness AB
Offers activewear made from certified eucalyptus wood fibers, free of microplastics and toxin-free.
Tripulse is revolutionizing the activewear industry by producing garments made from certified eucalyptus wood fibers that offer natural comfort and freshness without sacrificing sustainability. These leggings are not only ultra-comfortable and fit perfectly, they are also free from toxins and harmful plastics. Manufactured in the EU under ethical conditions, Tripulse sets new standards for environmentally conscious fashion that protects both the skin and the planet. As a climate-positive brand, Tripulse is committed to minimizing its environmental footprint while providing superior comfort and style.
Company Name
ID Geneve
Sets new standards in the watch industry by consistently applying the principles of the circular economy.
Founded in 2020 by Nicolas Freudiger, Signal Dépery, and Cédric Mühlhauser, ID Genève stands for a revolution in watchmaking by introducing fully compostable packaging and completely recyclable watches. The brand combines traditional watch design with sustainable materials such as the Treekind collection and recycled steel, even making innovative use of waste products from wind turbine production. ID Genève is a prime example of the use of the circular economy and exponential technologies, with even celebrities such as Leonardo DiCaprio being attracted as investors.
Company Name
Lablaco Holding Pte Ltd
Lablaco is driving a sustainable, networked future in fashion, art and culture.
Lablaco is all about a connected and circular future, with the aim of creating a sustainable circular economy for future generations. Through strategic investments in technology and education, Lablaco is committed to making a responsible and lasting impact on the global social landscape, particularly in the areas of fashion, art and culture. Lablaco’s commitment to innovation and sustainability shows how the future of the industry can be reshaped through collaboration and progressive concepts.
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Mantel Eloxal AG
A leader in anodized printing technology, Mantel Digital AG is revolutionizing printing on aluminium with sustainability and precision.
Mantel Eloxal AG, based in Wädenswil, is a pioneer in the field of anodized printing, a specialized technique for high-precision printing in anodized aluminium. With a wide range of innovative printing systems, Mantel, now in its third generation under Jon-Andri Mantel, offers customized solutions that push the boundaries of creative design possibilities. Its technologies are ideal for applications in signage, art and industrial marking, with a particular focus on sustainability and efficiency. Mantel enables companies to take their visual communication to a new level while promoting environmentally friendly printing practices.
Company Name
Yummy OÜ
Yummy combines the principles of the circular economy with the food market to offer sustainable food options.
Yummy is all about innovation in the food sector by transferring the concepts of the circular economy to the food market. With a strong focus on sustainability and accessibility, Yummy strives to offer a variety of nutritional options that are not only healthy for consumers, but also contribute positively to the environmental footprint. By working with local producers and utilizing surplus food, Yummy aims to reduce food waste while creating delicious, nutritious products. This commitment to sustainability and quality makes Yummy a pioneer for a better, more conscious food future. Originally founded in Estonia, they were recently acquired by a Finnish competitor, which will further develop the idea.
KTV Entertainment revolutioniert das Nachtleben in Zürich mit einer lebhaften Karaoke-Lounge und privaten Boxen. Erstklassiger Sound, eine riesige Songauswahl und exzellenter Service sorgen für unvergessliche Gruppenfeiern und spontanen Spass.
Company Name
FlexAgility AG
Rethinking legal services to maximize agility and efficiency for modern businesses.
FlexAgility offers an innovative solution to the challenges of legal services in today’s fast-paced business world. By restructuring traditional approaches, the company aims to increase agility and efficiency, with a focus on adapting to the dynamic needs of modern businesses. FlexAgility uses advanced technology and a flexible approach to make legal services more accessible, understandable and efficient, allowing businesses to focus on their growth without being held back by legal complexities.
Company Name
1291 Productions
1291 Productions GmbH is a stunts and special effects company and owns the largest film studio in Switzerland. The team consists of nationally and internationally renowned and award-winning action directors, stunt coordinators, stunt performers and certified special effects experts. Oliver Keller has made a name for himself in Hollywood and today combines USA and Europe in his work. The movie of tomorrow is made with the latest technologies.