06-03-2024 2 min read
Michele De Stefano, Günther Dobrauz
“Time to Leave Law-Law Land … and Head Back Into the Jungle”
Fueled by advancing technology, new business models, and altered client expectations, the legal industry faces unprecedented change across its entire value chain. Unfortunately, many legal professionals fear the technology train and the convergence of other fields with law. They see legaltech, AI, and bots like “lions and tigers and bears oh my.” We (the curators and authors of this book) see opportunity. Although the future may require us to put on “new suits”—it represents an enormous opportunity for lawyers to reinvent ourselves for our own and our clients’ benefit. Filled with chapters written by experts in the intersection of law, innovation, and technology, this book provides a global perspective on the diverse legal service delivery ecosystem that will be our future. It provides chapter upon chapter (reason upon reason) explaining why lawyers can and should increase their appetite for disruption in the legal world. So welcome to the jungle and enjoy the ride as we attempt to collaboratively map the uncharted waters of the future legal realm and simultaneously inspire a new future in law.
07-03-2024 1 min read
06-03-2024 1 min read
07-03-2024 1 min read