06-03-2024 2 min read
Guenther Dobrauz
Building on the seminal book ‘Making Money out of Technology’ (2003, Vienna, Austria; Linde Verlag) and the Technology Bridge™ model for high technology venture capital investment selection Uptake Revisted introduces a framework in which the market cycle is modelled as the development of five interlinked S-curves of ‘achievement over time’. These are: existing market development, value creation linked to new products, technological development of these new products, customer satisfaction and new product sales. Uptake Revisted then shows that successful innovation introduction is only probable during three distinct and different ‘Windows of Opportunity’ at certain points in this cycle. The first of these is initial product introduction, the second entry to mass markets and the third the onset of laggard markets when companies must restructure and initiate new activities to maintain value. Uptake Revisted concludes that successful market uptake can be predicted using a set of five option selection principles, which question ownership, commercial advantage to customers, positive potential buyers, returns, and deal structures and highlights that all of these preconditions for success are testable prior to investment, and must be satisfied if a project or investment is to be successful.
07-03-2024 1 min read
07-03-2024 1 min read
07-03-2024 1 min read